Design & Construct

Think Water Darwin trusted by local City Councils, Schools, Government Agencies, Farms, Factories, Community Services and Golf Courses with the Design, Installation and Ongoing Maintenance of irrigation, landscape and pumps systems. Our team pass through rigorous industry training to provide our customers with the latest technology and the most efficient irrigation and pump systems. 


Over 20 Years of Experience in Irrigation & Pump System Design.


Our staff are trained and possess the required skills and Knowledge.


Pump Systems

We design, install and maintain pumping systems for rural blocks, landscape, ovals, golf courses, farms, commercial buildings and industrial areas.

Irrigation Systems

As a Certified Irrigation Designers we have the knowledge, experience and accreditation to delivery water efficient irrigation systems for ovals, golf courses, homes and farms.

Filtration & Water Storage

We design, install and maintain a complete water system from water sourcing through bores to storage in tanks to filtration through to pumping for agriculture or domestic used.

Monitoring & Controlling

Technology today allows us to control and monitor any irrigation system. We have helped many agriculture and commercial projects save thousands using irrigation control systems.

Our Design Team

Adam Stockwell

Managing Director

Adam has been delivering pump, irrigation, and monitoring & control systems for key government, commercial and agriculture projects for over 20 years. Contact Adam for Complete Water System Design & Project Planning.

Our Recently Completed Projects

Bore Pumping, Water Storage and Transfer

Think Water Darwin completed the design, supply and construct project for a Ventia asbestos treatment plant. The project included a Bore pump system pulling water out of a bore into a large two tank storage. 

The water then gets pumped using a Davey pump through a 2.5km pipes to the asbestos treatment plant for an on-demand water supply.    

Our Latest Projects

Marrara Christian College

Acacia Hill Farm

Palmerston Park

Rural Block Bore Water & Filtration System

Elcho Island Oval Irrigation System

Palmerston City Park Irrigation System

Military Base Sprinkler Irrigation