Bushfires – Don’t leave it until it’s too flamin late!

As bushfire season approaches, the responsibility of protecting your property from a potentially devastating fire becomes an unfortunate reality.

Despite frequent news stories detailing the unthinkable consequences of bushfires, many people remain unprepared.

These tips from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) can help you ensure the safety of your home and possessions:

1 – Establish a Building Protection Zone (BPZ) and Hazard Separation Zone

A building protection zone is one of the most important factors in protecting your home and business from bushfires. The BPZ should be a minimum of 20 meters surrounding your building, providing ample space for firefighters and other safety officials to suppress a bushfire.

Building protection zones should be clear of any debris; trees should not be planted within two meters of the building and anything planted in the building protection zone should be kept carefully trimmed and pruned. Ensure any fences or sheds in your BPZ are constructed of non-combustible materials.

Adjacent to the building protection zone, it is important to establish a hazard separation zone. This zone, roughly 80 meters wide, will add an extra zone of protection between disastrous fires and your home or business. Like the building protection zone, your hazard separation zone should be kept free of combustible debris and vegetation.

These two safety zones provide ample protection and suppression against potentially destructive bushfires.

2 – Preparing your Home

In addition to preparing the area around your home, you must prepare the home itself for the possibility of bushfires. The DFES reminds home and business owners to always keep the area around the home free of debris and flammable materials such as woodpiles, overhanging trees, and fuel containers.

Always ensure gutters are clean and clear. Debris left in gutters can fuel the flames of an approaching bushfire. In addition, place gas cylinders on the side of your home or business less likely to be approached by a bushfire.

Direct pressure valves away from the building with at least 6 meters between the valve and any combustible materials. Planning ahead and taking these simple preparatory measures will help make you and your family as prepared as possible for potential bushfires.

3 – Ensure your home and family are protected

Lack of preparation during bushfire season can result in unimaginable costs and consequences. Ensure that your home is equipped with the appropriate bushfire prevention devices to adequately protect yourself. Think Water specialises in fire control solutions and we stock a huge range of bushfire prevention products from fuel driven fire fighters to hoses and roof top sprinklers.

Think Water are your one stop shop for all your protection this bushfire season. Come into a store near you today!